Développement de l’industrie des matériaux céramiques avancés (一)

Développement de l’industrie des matériaux céramiques avancés (一)

Développement de l’industrie des matériaux céramiques avancés (一)

Advanced ceramic materials refer to ceramic materials with excellent performance, qui sont différentes de la céramique traditionnelle en termes de matières premières et de procédés, et sont généralement fabriqués à partir de matières premières ultra-fines et de haute pureté, par la conception de la composition et de la structure, et l’utilisation de mesures chimiques précises et de nouvelles technologies de préparation. The rapid development of this new generation of ceramic materials with special properties has become the cornerstone of the continuous progress of modern science and technology.

Advanced ceramic materials can be divided into structural ceramics and functional ceramics according to their use and performance. Structural ceramics refer to ceramic materials with excellent mechanical, thermal and chemical properties such as high strength, Dureté élevée, résistance à la corrosion, wear resistance and high temperature resistance, and are used for various structural components.

Functional ceramics are dielectric materials that can detect, transform, store, couple and transmit information such as electricity, magnetism, sound, light, heat, force, chemistry or biology. Advanced ceramic materials have a wide range of functions and uses, mainly including high-temperature heat protection, wave transmission, high toughness, ferroelectricity, piézoélectrique, diélectrique, pyroélectrique, semi-conducteur, electro-optic and magnetic functions, and are applied to electronic information, Circuits intégrés, computers, automatic control, national defense and military industry, aérospatial, biomedical, marine ultrasound, communication technology, automobile and energy and other modern high-tech fields.

Donc, advanced ceramic materials have already become indispensable key materials in some major national projects and cutting-edge technologies, and have important scientific value and national strategic significance in future development. Par exemple, electronic functional ceramic materials, with their high performance and extensive application, have become the important cornerstone of the development of modern information technology, the key basic materials of many new electronic components, and occupy a very important strategic position in the national economy and national defense construction.

International development status and trend of advanced ceramic industry

From the perspective of the development of the global advanced ceramic material industry, the major advanced ceramic producers in Europe include Germany, France, Britain, Sweden and Italy, of which Germany produces and consumes 37% of the advanced ceramic market in Europe. France and Britain account for 39% of the total market. According to the data in recent years, there are more than 150 advanced ceramic manufacturers in the European and American markets, but more than 65% of advanced ceramics are produced by seven multinational companies.

Larger companies producing advanced ceramics in Europe include Saint-Gobain in France, Ceram Tec in Germany and Morgan in Britain. De plus,, there are a number of professional small and medium-sized ceramic raw material companies (such as Starck) and sintering equipment companies (such as FCT) in Germany. Saint-Gobain is one of the top 100 enterprises in the world, a pioneer of industrial engineering materials in the world, ranked 188th among the Fortune 500 Entreprises, with an annual sales revenue of more than 30 milliards de dollars américains, of which high-performance ceramic materials account for 15%.

Not long ago, Saint-Gobain acquired the famous American companies Carborundum and Norton Ceramics. Ceram Tec is the largest technical ceramic company in Germany. It produces all kinds of advanced ceramic materials and applies them to various fields of modern industry and biomedicine. Morgan is an enterprise with carbon materials and advanced ceramics as its main products, with more than 160 production plants in more than 60 countries.

The United States has some well-known ceramic companies, such as CoorsTec, Corning, Ceradyne, and some professional manufacturers of advanced ceramics for defense and military industry, such as Raytheon and Surmet. The United States is not only a major producer of advanced ceramics, but also the largest consumer of advanced ceramics. Its production is less than consumption. Donc, many products are imported from Japan, Europe and China.

The larger companies producing advanced ceramics in the United States include CoorsTec and Corning. CoorsTec is the largest supplier of technical ceramics in the United States, producing various precision ceramic parts, electric vacuum ceramics, ceramic substrates for semiconductor industry and ceramic parts for semiconductor equipment.

As the basis of ceramic application, the market of high-quality powder continues to show growth momentum, and is basically monopolized by a few manufacturers in Japan, Germany and France. The largest manufacturer of silicon carbide powder is Ukushima Electric, with an output of about 100t/year, followed by H.C-STARCK, with an output of about 50t/year, and Saint-Gobain with an output of about 30t/year. Advanced ceramic materials produced by European and American ceramic multinationals mainly include porous ceramics, transparent ceramics, nuclear ceramics, thermal protective ceramics, ceramic substrates, electronic ceramics and bioceramics.