Quelles sont les caractéristiques du fil de coupe en boucle diamantée

fil en boucle de diamant sans fin

Quelles sont les caractéristiques du fil de coupe en boucle diamantée

La scie à fil bouclé diamanté présente des caractéristiques telles qu’un rendement élevé, Haute précision, Large gamme d’applications, Conservation des matériaux, Répartition uniforme des diamants, Pas d’écaillage,et le respect de l’environnement. These characteristics make the diamond looped wire saw widely used in various fields.

Specific features are as follows

High efficiency-The diamond looped wire saw adopts a unique ring design, offrant une durée de vie plus longue et des performances de coupe plus stables. Avec une vitesse linéaire allant jusqu’à 40-60 m/s, Il a une efficacité de coupe élevée, significantly improving production efficiency.

Fil bouclé diamant

High precision-The diamond looped wire saw uses high-quality diamonds, combined with precise production processes and control systems, to provide precise cutting accuracy.

Wide range of applications-Diamond looped wire saw is widely used in construction, industrial manufacturing, jewelry manufacturing, and scientific research due to its high efficiency and precision. In the construction field, it is used for cutting materials such as concrete, marble, and granite. In industrial manufacturing, it is used for cutting metal materials, verre, etc. In jewelry manufacturing, it can achieve high-precision cutting of various complex gemstones. In scientific research, its stability and high precision also make it widely used.

Material conservation-The design of the diamond wire saw allows for a small cutting gap and reduced material loss, which is particularly important for valuable materials.

  1. fil en boucle de diamant sans fin

Uniform diamond distribution: The diamond wire saw has a uniform distribution of diamonds, making the cutting process more stable and improving cutting quality.

No chipping: The diamond looped wire saw does not produce chipping during the cutting process, improving cutting quality.

Environmental friendliness: The diamond looped wire saw generates less dust and noise during the cutting process, reducing environmental pollution.