Quels matériaux peuvent être utilisés pour la coupe de scie à boucle à fil diamanté?

Quels matériaux peuvent être utilisés pour la coupe de scie à boucle à fil diamanté?

Diamond wire loop saw can be widely used in cutting a variety of metal and non-metal composite materials, comme la céramique, verre, rocks, gems, jade, Météorites, Silicium monocristallin, carbure de silicium, polysilicon, refractory brick, epoxy board, ferrite, PCB, Matériaux de construction, dental materials, biological and bionic composite materials. Especially for a variety of fragile crystals with high hardness and high value, diamond loop cutting has special advantages.

De plus,, le boucle de fil de diamant of the Zhengzhou element tool Technology Co., LTD is also widely used in the cutting of high hard and wear-resistant materials such as photovoltaic silicon materials, graphite, synthetic ceramics, and jade. Cutting effect is good, Rendement élevé, is currently one of the important tools in industrial production and processing.