


それは石英ガラスになると, 私は多くの人々がそれが何であるかを知らないと信じています, そしてもちろん、いくつかは. それは普通のガラスによって比類のない一連の優れた特性を持っています, と称賛される “ガラスの王様” 新素材分野の専門家による.

1. Different hardness

The hardness of the former can generally reach Mohs 7, while the hardness of the latter can generally only reach about 5.5 宛先 6.

2. Different light transmission performance

The former can transmit infrared and ultraviolet rays, while the latter cannot.

3. Different colors

The former are generally colorless, and the latter are generally colored.

4. Different high temperature resistance

After the former is burned red, it is not easy to burst even if it is placed in water immediately, and the latter will burst immediately once it is burned.

What are the precautions for the use of quartz glass

1. The products made are generally valuable products, so when you take the products, you must be careful and handle them with care.

2. The high temperature resistance of quartz glass is limited, so when you use it, you must not exceed the specified temperature. If it exceeds, it will easily lead to softening or crystallization.

3. If the quartz glass needs to be used in a high temperature environment, it should be wiped clean first, then soaked in laundry detergent, and then treated with alcohol. In order to avoid damage to the skin, it is recommended that you wear gloves during the operation, and you should not touch the quartz glass with your hands.

4. It is an acidic material. If it is used in a high temperature environment, it is absolutely not allowed to contact quartz glass and alkaline substances. If it is accidentally touched, it will easily lead to the decline of the anti-crystallization performance.