


太陽光発電産業の継続的な発展に伴い, シリコンウェーハの需要が高まっています, また、シリコンウェーハの品質と切断効率もより高い要件を提唱しています. 効率的な切削工具として, ダイヤモンドワイヤーループには、切断速度が速いという利点があります, 高精度・低コスト, so it has been widely used in the photovoltaic industry.

The photovoltaic industry uses エンドレスダイヤモンドワイヤーループ cutting mainly for the following reasons:

エンドレスダイヤモンドワイヤー 切削性能: diamond wire loop cutting technology has the advantages of high output rate, fast cutting speed and small environmental pollution. Compared with the traditional mortar cutting technology, diamond wire cutting can improve the cutting efficiency and yield of silicon wafers, while reducing environmental pollution.

Cost consideration: diamond wire loop cutting technology can improve the utilization of raw materials, reduce the loss in the cutting process, thereby reducing production costs.

Market demand: With the rapid development of the photovoltaic industry, シリコンウェーハの需要が高まっています. Endless diamond wire cutting technology can meet the market demand for efficient and high-quality silicon wafers.

概要, the photovoltaic industry uses diamond wire loop cutting technology for cutting performance, cost considerations and market demand.