技术领先,加快材料产业发展 – 郑州恩索尔工具科技有限公司, 有限公司. 应邀参加第十五届中国金刚石相关材料与应用学术研讨会并发表交流演讲

技术领先,加快材料产业发展 – 郑州恩索尔工具科技有限公司, 有限公司. 应邀参加第十五届中国金刚石相关材料与应用学术研讨会并发表交流演讲

应组委会邀请, 先生. 陈福田, 郑州恩索尔工具总经理, attended the 15th China Superhard Materials and Applications Academic Seminar as a special guest and delivered a speech.

On August 18-20, 2023, the 60th anniversary celebration of China’s synthetic diamond theory and technology development and the 15th China Diamond Related Materials and Applications Academic Seminar was held in Beijing Dda International Convention Center. 第十五届中国金刚石相关材料与应用学术会议特邀专家, scholars and entrepreneurs from all over the country in the field of superhard materials research to gather in Beijing, through academic exchanges, to jointly discuss the technological development of superhard materials and related material products, show the latest research results, look forward to the broad prospects of superhard materials technology, and offer suggestions for the development of new materials in China. Meet the national new material industry development needs.
As the general manager of 郑州恩索工具科技有限公司, 有限公司. who has been deeply engaged in the field of diamond cutting for decades, 先生. Chen is honored to participate in the academic seminar and make an exchange speech at the invitation of the organizing committee. At the exchange meeting, 先生. Chen made in-depth and detailed analysis of diamond selection for wire cutting, mechanical characteristics, wear mode and damage mechanism of equipment and wire during operation from a professional point of view, and made detailed simulation of cutting power, cutting bow, friction force, cutting resistance and even wind resistance, finally drawing conclusions on the mechanical level that can guide equipment production and wire improvement. The expected 15-minute speech lasted 20 minutes due to questions from experts and industry colleagues (apologies).

因为 2016, EnsollTools has been deeply engaged in the field of diamond wire saw cutting, and its product competitiveness has been continuously improved, and its market share has increased year by year. In the diamond loop, the company continues to lead the industry fining, has been to the market bulk supply of 0.3mm specification diamond loop, 积极开发储量和试制更细直径的金刚石环, finer diameter helps to reduce the cutting loss of raw materials, 特别稀有和有价值的材料, 同时提高切割精度和效率, reduce cutting energy consumption. EnsollTools is willing to work with industry colleagues to promote the progress of the industry, to promote employees and enterprises to contribute to the common growth of their own strength.

In terms of cutting equipment, intelligence and automation are important guarantees of high efficiency and precision. Through industry integration, 郑州恩索工具科技有限公司, 有限公司. has made rapid progress in the automation and information technology of equipment production and manufacturing. The high-precision gantry milling machine and turn-milling composite machine tool provide a solid quality guarantee for the production of equipment, and nearly 50 sets of various kinds of CNC machining machines provide a reliable guarantee for the production capacity of equipment. Quality inspection instruments such as the second element provide strong support for the accuracy and consistency of the equipment, and the goal of controlling the after-sales rate of the equipment within 1 year is becoming a reality step by step! Specialized in independent core technology, the courage to break industry barriers, only before August 2023 to develop and put into production of Gantry type cutting machine, silicon bar cutting machine, 4 rounds of flat cutting machine and other 3 products, is expected to have 5 extreme experience of cutting machine by the end of the year.
EnsollTools is committed to providing a one-stop solution for hard and brittle materials cutting, the best match of wire and equipment, wire, equipment, process comprehensive technical support is our confidence and courage to move forward!

The meeting Chen also harvested a lot of surprises, welcome dinner met their mentor and mentor mentor Zou Academician, solid excellent industry colleagues and possible partners, we firmly believe that persistent deep cultivation will have a harvest, to the industry risk wisdom and rings of the older generation of scientific research workers salute!

This seminar, we know that we still have a long way to go in the field of superhard materials, and we have firmly established our belief in the field of diamond wire cutting! New opportunities, new heights, new missionAll staff of our element tools will continue to not forget the original intention, increase research and development efforts to break through industry barriers, forge ahead, and release more value in the future development and application of superhard materials in the industry!